Lipstick Leadership

A study by the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics showed that women are better at decision making, particularly in difficult situations. Nobody ever knew that this would become so evident in the situation that we are living through. 193 countries in the world and only 10 led by women! Reports from many important […]
La crisis, un tiempo para reinventarse

Imagina un hermoso día de primavera en donde todos los humanos están guardados en casa y los animalitos del bosque salen a pasear. Estos se dan cuenta de que el mundo está muy bien sin los humanos y deciden ponerse a estudiar. Entonces organizan una escuela para aprender nuevos conocimientos a la cual llaman “la […]
Do you need clarity and direction?

At times in life we can reach a point where we feel uncomfortable with what we are doing, where we are heading. We may not be satisfied with the results we’re getting, or we simply need to make decisions that will have a substantial impact on our lives. Life coaching helps you move from where […]
Fighting your inner virus

We have spent over two weeks in confinement and only God knows how long this situation will continue. We all know it, things will get worse before they get any better. Yes, it is scary; fear and panic are not just in Spain, but the entire world. However how we respond to these uncertain times […]
As a woman, have you actually realise your power in society?

On 8th of March, women throughout the world join hands to celebrate International Women’s Day. The day is celebrated each year to empower women as well as to recognize their contributions in various aspects. As women, it is undeniable that there are times when we feel we are powerless to bring about any form of […]
Tres simples pasos para encontrar al amor de tu vida

Dicen por ahí que mientras no se encuentra a la media naranja hay que comer limones; que mientras no llega el príncipe azul hay que besar sapos; y que mientras consigues a la persona indicada, hay que divertirse con la equivocada. Una encuesta realizada por MSN (el canal de noticias de Microsoft), en Inglaterra, en […]
Choose happiness

Happiness is up to you To talk about happiness can be as subjective as to talk about life itself… Many thinkers throughout history have reflected on the secrets of happiness and how to achieve it. There are as many definitions about happiness as there are people in the world, simply because we all have the […]
The Super Power of Gratitude

We all go through moments in life when we feel that life isn’t fair and we choose to complain about what we have, or what we don’t have, what we are going through etc. But if we take care to look around, we can soon realise that we have more things to be grateful than […]